Where have the parties gone?

Paul A. Djupe, Data for Political Research An old rule of policing is that showing up to one area merely serves to push crime to other neighborhoods. I feel like Denison has been doing some of this in recent history, trying to break the stranglehold of the Sunnies or the notorious suites of East, which…

What do Denisonians Think of Smoking and Vaping?

By Will Duquette Smoking has undeniably decreased across the United States over the last few decades, with smoking among young adults decreasing from 35% in 2001-2003 to 12% in 2019-2022. However, in the wake of smoking’s downfall, vaping has increased dramatically. Most would agree that both hobbies are unquestionably bad for you. But anyone who…

How do Denisonians Feel about Lacrosse on Campus

By Paul A. Djupe Many sports do not have strong demographic connotations. Football, baseball, basketball, and soccer are all interracial and span social classes. But lacrosse, like yachting or equestrian, would seem to say a lot about the participants. The Salt Lake Tribune headline says it all, “Lacrosse is known as a sport played by…

It’s Been Four Years Already?

By Gus Hoffmann Pictured above, is my Dad and I the night before Aug-O. We had just completed a 14-hour drive from Massachusetts to our end destination: the Granville Inn. When I think back on Freshman-year-Gus I am envious – he had everything figured out! As I enter my last semester at Denison, it is…

Do Discerning Moral Agents Vouch for Friends?

By Zach Broeren What does it mean to be a discerning moral agent? Does it mean living a life full of integrity and service to others? Does it mean not pocketing the milky way in Slayter to avoid paying for it? Everyone will have a different definition of discerning moral agency, regardless, many of us…

The State of Frats

By Zach Broeren Following the COVID year of uncertainty, most institutions on Denison’s campus returned to normal, or at least a predictable version, with one notable exception: Fraternity party spaces. Even though Fraternities were allowed to host parties last year, this year brought major changes as fraternities were barred from hosting parties in their spaces…

Do Greeks Dominate Denison Drinking Culture?

By Gus Hoffmann and Paul A. Djupe Alcohol is one of those sneaky chemicals that has been propped up by US society. Much like how people link caffeine with productivity, drinking alcohol is associated with winding down, loosening up, and being social. Binge drinking isn’t in most cases an individual decision, but a social one…

Can Students Talk Across Partisan Difference at Denison?

By Gus Hoffmann In Adam Weinberg’s welcome-back email, he encouraged students to “Develop a wide set of friendships, especially with people who are different from you.” However, during these politically-charged times that can be a difficult task to accomplish. With increasing political fissures regarding Covid-19, a wide variety of social justice issues, and economic policy…

Work Hard, Play Harder: Binge Drinking and Calorie Restricting

By Sarah MacKenzie and Siobhán Mitchell [Note: This post discusses disordered eating on campus.] The year has brought new challenges to our young lives like never before, but some things have remained constant as the world works to heal from the COVID-19 pandemic. Not just at Denison, but all over our nation and this world,…

Swipe No More?

By Paul A. Djupe One thing that changed during our pandemic academic year was that the Administration removed swipe access to residential buildings that are not your own. I believe this decision was made pre-COVID, but this reduced level of swipe access is now apparently a permanent fixture of campus life. How do students feel…

The Gender Politics of Security Cameras

By Sarah MacKenzie This past year has been one full of statistics – numbers and projections that have defined our daily lives. The coronavirus pandemic coupled with the 2020 election and George Floyd protests made our world complete with defining moments that pretty much shut out any other news that remained relevant for individuals in…