Do College Students Ever Sleep?

By Siobhán Mitchell It’s no secret that college (and Denison in particular) is known for a work hard, play hard, no sleep attitude. But, sleep is essential to who we are and all that we do. After all, we are at an academic institution to learn, and good quality sleep has a proven association with…

QAnon, Millennials, and Gen Z – a match made in Heaven?

By Jacob Dennen “OK Boomer.” Every Gen Z’er or Millennial has heard of this phrase or has used it themselves. We know that it has come to represent how out of touch the Baby Boom generation is. While much of this comes from the idea that Boomers’ conservatism has influenced decisions that have jeopardized our…

The Social Politics of Drinking

By Sarah MacKenzie As we are reaching a milestone in the coronavirus pandemic and coming up on almost a year of mask wearing, social distancing, and vaccine chasing, the 2020 presidential election feels like a blip in an infinite amount of time. However, specifically at Denison, the election was perhaps the event of the season….

Has Substance Use Increased During the Pandemic?

By Siobhán Mitchell Last semester brought new challenges and new possibilities to student life, opening up a conversation about public health on Denison’s campus. Although the pandemic took center stage, other aspects of our campus health still hold prevalence in how we live and learn on the Hill. Looking back at 127 data from years…