Denison and the Climate Crisis: Are We Prepared to Make a Better Future?

By Daniel Gunther Climate change is one of the most pertinent issues facing the world. Food shortages attributable to soil erosion, water deficits and changes in weather are the root cause of many conflicts around the world and will continue to be a primary source of discord and unrest. The question becomes, then, at a…

Republicanism Hits New Low

By Paul A. Djupe The 2016 election was the first in which a majority of educated voters chose the Democratic candidate for President. And many of the educated Republicans I know have expressed frustration with the direction of the party that observers are openly calling authoritarian. The rejection of science, the support for the January…

The State of Frats

By Zach Broeren Following the COVID year of uncertainty, most institutions on Denison’s campus returned to normal, or at least a predictable version, with one notable exception: Fraternity party spaces. Even though Fraternities were allowed to host parties last year, this year brought major changes as fraternities were barred from hosting parties in their spaces…


By Zach Broeren and Paul A. Djupe Why go to Denison on THE HILL if we can’t go sledding? Oh, yeah, the discerning moral agency and classes. But what if we exercise our active citizenship muscles to change the rules so we can go sledding without getting written up by CamPo? The sledding stories from…