If you play video games, are you a terrible democratic citizen?

If you play video games, are you a terrible democratic citizen? By The Darian of Harrington In 2018, a political science professor at Fordham University, Nicholas Tampio, wrote a provocative article entitled ‘Fortnite teaches the wrong lessons’. In this article, Tampio made the claim that individuals who play the single-player mode of the popular video…

The Numbers of our Campus

By Matt McHugh Have you ever wondered what Denison students define as binge drinking? Have you wondered if a students major influences his or her level of political engagement? Have you ever wondered what personality traits define the most successful students? The role of One Twenty Seven blog is to answer questions such as these,…

How we get it back: Building Trust

By Paul A. Djupe If the “arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,”[1] holy cow is that arc wiggly these days. Because when I think of the main engine of justice, I think of the federal government of the United States. There is arguably no institution in the world that…