A Denisonian Democracy: Building Active Citizens One Meeting at a Time?

By Nathaniel Nakon Denison students are all too familiar with the opening line of the school’s mission statement, “Our purpose is to inspire and educate our students to become autonomous thinkers, discerning moral agents and active citizens of a democratic society.” Although often mocked on campus, it carries a heavy message: a Denison education should…

Social Support at Denison: Who Feels It the Most?

By Oliver Gladfelter When I used to give tours of campus to prospective students and their families, the most I common question I got was “Why did you choose Denison?” As I would explain, it was the community – Denison students care about each other, look out for one another, and are always there when…

Are We Silencing Conservative Voices?

By Kaitlyn Elia Do you feel comfortable expressing your political beliefs on campus? Depending on whether you identify as a Democrat or Republican, your answer may vary. Overall, it appears that Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike agree that everyone should feel comfortable expressing their political affiliations on campus. However, many students have noticed a severe…

Clinging to Sticky Identities on the Hill

By Nathaniel Nakon Following the recent shock that was the 2016 Presidential Election, numerous think pieces have attributed the surprise of Donald Trump’s victory to be a product of the liberal bubble that college educated individuals tend to live in.  Most college students spend eight months out of the year in a community largely filled…