Party Tent, Part 2: Spring 2019 Edition

By The Darian of Harrington One of the many new features that Denison has graced our campus with is the Party Tent. It makes sense to provide a safe and secure environment for the inevitable partying that happens on this campus. I have never personally visited the party tent, but I have heard mixed reviews…

Parking for the Public Good?

By Max Dehon and Paul A. Djupe The next step in Denison University’s Master Plan for Residence Life is the construction of a new residence hall, which will contain new senior apartments and party spaces, as well as new “social lodges” (whatever these are). However, only half of the students currently on campus will be…

Modern Day Zombies? The Effects of Smartphone Ownership at Denison

By The Darian of Harrington The revolutionary device that is the Smartphone has pushed technological advancements decades into the future. But the accessibility to essentially unlimited information has turned Smartphone users into modern day zombies. Staying constantly connected can be good for building relationships and acquiring knowledge, but perhaps at the price of constantly worrying…