The State of Frats

By Zach Broeren Following the COVID year of uncertainty, most institutions on Denison’s campus returned to normal, or at least a predictable version, with one notable exception: Fraternity party spaces. Even though Fraternities were allowed to host parties last year, this year brought major changes as fraternities were barred from hosting parties in their spaces…

How Segregated is Denison?

By Oliver Gladfelter Just before this school year began, President Weinberg penned a letter to the class of 2021 with ten pieces of advice. Coming in at #6, he encouraged incoming students to “engage a wide range of people” and to “seek out people who are different from you.” While I fully agree with Weinberg…

Students Overwhelmingly Oppose New Residential Communities Policy

By Chris Nakon The trending topic on campus for the past week has been the groundbreaking news that Residential Communities will be “adding professional staff at an entry-level position that could fulfill the duties of Head Residents on a full-time basis.” Although this decision was made official just recently, talks of it have been stirring…