This is One of the Few Things That Overcomes Partisan Polarization

By Paul A. Djupe, Director of Data for Political Research Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on much these days. In many ways that’s fine, parties are supposed to be different in order to offer a real, distinct choice to voters. So, it’s always surprising to find common ground. Ohio has an election coming up and…

Do Denisonians Have Wild Perceptions of Who Faces Discrimination, too?

By Paul A. Djupe, Director of Data for Political Research “White Evangelicals [in the US] Believe They Face More Discrimination Than Muslims” read a headline in The Atlantic in 2017. This was in the back of my mind when I decided to ask Denison students about this in February 2023. There are so many perceptions…

Mostly United by Discrimination?

By Paul A. Djupe, Director of DPR There’s a pervasive stereotype that college students don’t know what it’s like in the real world, that they exist in sheltered, posh campuses like Denison’s. From my pov, it’s always worth checking out whether that’s in fact true and there are lots of ways to do it. One…

Do Denison Students Have Friends Who Will Help Them Out?

By Will Duquette I distinctly remember on my first visit to Denison, my tour guide told the group that Denison is where lifelong friendships are made. Although we do not have lifelong friendship data, we do have some data that could be used to analyze current friendships on the hill. Using the information, we want…

Love Letter to Denison

By Alex Lazo Before I ever even got to Denison, I was adamant about transferring after the first semester – the first year if I really had to stay that long. My sister was a Junior and as much as I love her, I did not want to have to go through another cycle of…

Denison’s Relationship with Religion

By Alex Lazo [Photo courtesy of Taby Arthur Fogg] Although it has been a few weeks since Easter has passed, I have found that with the school year winding down, and the Instagram semester-dump posts surging up, the pictures from Easter are still flooding my feed – because nothing says Denison quite like a darty…

How do Denison Students View Working in the Public Sector?

By Will Duquette It is no secret that many Denison alumni have high-paying jobs in the private sector. Of course, some students choose a public sector job, which typically commands a smaller salary. Given the frequent and massive pay disparity between the two and the polarization that plagues American democracy, I was curious if Denison…

Hoaglin’s Impact on the Trajectory of Student Health

By Alex Lazo Throughout my college career, I have always known Denison to be doing construction. And although it is definitely an eye sore, an inconvenience to motorists, and sometimes an abysmal failure (e.g., the Moonies), I do appreciate Denison’s proclivity to constantly self-improve. One of Denison’s newest editions and success stories is the Ann…

How Many Students are in Long-Distance Relationships?

By Paul A. Djupe Lots of things change once you arrive on campus. One of them, as the conventional wisdom goes, is that relationship from the last bits of high school. That’s especially true when the college you attend is out of state – time and space put strains on relationships, especially when there’s a…

How do Denison Students View the Majors of Other Students?

By Will Duquette Denison serves students from all walks of life and from all around the world. Each student brings a unique perspective and a desire to deepen their understanding of their favorite subjects. But what do Denison students think of their fellow Denisonian’s major subject choice? We hope to see what students think of…

What do Denisonians Think of DCGA

By Paul A. Djupe When Alex Pan asks you to do something, you say yes. So, when President Pan reached out after the lacrosse article generated some interest, I thought it was time to give the same coverage to DCGA. 127 surveys have asked about feelings toward student government off and on for some years,…

What do Denisonians Think of Smoking and Vaping?

By Will Duquette Smoking has undeniably decreased across the United States over the last few decades, with smoking among young adults decreasing from 35% in 2001-2003 to 12% in 2019-2022. However, in the wake of smoking’s downfall, vaping has increased dramatically. Most would agree that both hobbies are unquestionably bad for you. But anyone who…